
1. Not exist Node.js Environment and download Node.js latest version and usage it.

c:\> gnvm config registry TAOBAO
Set success, registry new value is http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/
c:\> gnvm install latest -g
Notice: local  latest version is unknown.
Notice: remote latest version is 5.10.1.
Start download Node.js versions [5.10.1].
5.10.1: 100% [==================================================>] 13s
End download.
Set success, latestversion new value is 5.10.1
Set success, global Node.js version is 5.10.1.

2. Update local Node.js latest version.

c:\> gnvm config registry TAOBAO
Set success, registry new value is http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/
c:\> gnvm update latest
Notice: local  Node.js latest version is 5.9.1.
Notice: remote Node.js latest version is 5.10.1 from http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/.
Waring: remote latest version 5.10.1 > local latest version 5.9.1.
Waring: 5.10.1 folder exist.
Update success, Node.js latest version is 5.10.1.

3. See Node.js global and latest version.

c:\> gnvm node-version
Node.js latest version is 5.10.1.
Node.js global version is 5.10.1.

4. Verify config registry.

c:\> gnvm config registry test
Notice: gnvm config registry http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/ valid ................... ok.
Notice: gnvm config registry http://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/node/index.json valid ......... ok.

5. Local not exist npm and install local Node.js version matching npm version.

c:\ gnvm npm global
Waring: current path C:\xxx\xxx\nodejs\ not exist npm.
Notice: local    npm version is unknown
Notice: remote   npm version is 3.8.3
Notice: download 3.8.3 version [Y/n]? y
Start download new npm version v3.8.3.zip
v3.8.3.zip: 100% [==================================================>] 4s
Start unzip and install v3.8.3.zip zip file, please wait.
Set success, current npm version is 3.8.3.
c:\> npm -v

6. Install latest npm version.

c:\ gnvm npm laltest
Notice: local    npm version is 3.7.3
Notice: remote   npm version is 3.8.7
Notice: download 3.8.7 version [Y/n]? y
Start download new npm version v3.8.7.zip
v3.8.7.zip: 100% [==================================================>] 3s
Start unzip and install v3.8.7.zip zip file, please wait.
Set success, current npm version is 3.8.7.
c:\> npm -v
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